Train Safe Eccentrics, Inc about us

Professional Experience

Train Safe Eccentrics is owned and operated by Ben Ritter. With more than 42 years as a professional in the rail industry, including experience in Class 1 railroad operations, I possess a vast knowledge of the day-to-day operations of railroads and terminals.

I’m passionate about the rail industry and my goal is to enhance safety for the industry, employees and the general public. My leadership style begins with a vision for success. That vision includes working honestly, with integrity and communicating openly to create mutual respect between TSE and your company.

I am driven by inspiration, self-motivation and my passion for the industry. I have proven to be a firm but fair leader who always portrays a positive outlook toward the goals and mission of your team, and I will apply these dynamics to build trust within your organization and get results. I will take action to keep your employees safe by fixing unsafe situations, addressing unsafe behaviors or stopping the line. Building upon these traits will generate trust, inspiration, dedication and excellence for the rail industry. The results will be immeasurable for the safety and service of your company."

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