Train Safe Eccentrics, Inc Services

Train Safe Eccentrics provides the highest quality consulting, training and expertise in the rail industry. We specialize in railroad safety, rules and operating practices, as well as conducting operational and safety audits. It’s our goal to provide clients with timely and accurate analysis of railroad operational issues. Our specific services include:

  • Safety Program & Process Oversight

    • Safety program development
    • Process management
    • On-site investigations
    • Safety process review
    • Drug and alcohol testing
    • Public safety
    • Federal and state regulatory process control
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing

  • Public Safety, Federal and State Regulatory Process Control

  • Management Training

    • Railroad operating rules
    • Hazardous materials
    • Air brake and train handling rules and operations.

Service Qualifications

As a 42-year veteran in the rail industry, I possess a vast knowledge of operations, dispatching, mechanical, engineering and safety. I have been trained as an accident and incident investigator, and have investigated numerous rail equipment accidents, employee injuries, rule violations and other types of incidents during the last 21 years of my management career with the Union Pacific railroad. I’m passionate about safety, detail and getting to the root cause to ensure the proper corrective actions and preventive measures are put in place.

I have extensive experience with locomotive event recorder analyzation, strong knowledge of heavy-grade operations, track train dynamics, distributive power and remote control operations.

In addition to the services listed above, TSE can oversee industry switching at various locations, create or enhance standard work for your day-to-day switching, as well as provide expertise training for your local workforce.

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